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Cyclotronic Resonance Treatment 

What is cyclotronic resonance?  It is "Smart Radiation", that uses the principal of a molecular ratchet which is able to direct the random (Brownian) molecular movement of a molecule or ion if a triggering vector is present.  The triggering vector in this case, is our ELF-EMF.

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ELF-EMF is a type of very low-energy radiation that travels in long waves. The most common sources of ELF-EMFs are power lines, electrical wiring, and electrical appliances, such as shavers, hair dryers, and electric blankets. It is also called extremely low frequency electromagnetic field.

ELF-EMF treatment uses cyclotronic resonance also known as Smart-Radiation, to selectively induce cell apoptosis in cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unaffected.

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CanHalt Systems, LLC is a technology corporation that specializes in ELF-EMF based technologies. With our proprietary ELF-EMF systems we can offer cutting edge cancer treatment systems that destroy all traces of cancer rapidly without affecting healthy tissues. Our technologies penetrate all tissues, seeking and destroying even cell-sized bits of cancer that have spread into the most remote and difficult-to-treat parts of the body. Our brain-injury treatment utilizes cutting-edge medication not available in the USA as part of its multifaceted care. Our Mexico-based clinic allows us to employ effective science-based treatments now, when you need it, before years of FDA trials and red tape permit their general approval.

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Rest assured, this is as scientific as alternative cancer treatment gets.
Here is a small sample of our over 100 references:

Buckner, C.A., Buckner, A L., Koren, S.A., Persinger, M.A. and Lafrenie, R.M. (2015).  Inhibition of Cancer Electromagnetic Field Involves T-Type Calcium Channels.  PLOS ONE, 10(4), p.e0124136.doi:10.1371/journal.pone0124136.Cui, Y, Liu, X., Yang, T., mei, Y.-A. and Hu, C, (2014).  Exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields inhibits T-Type Calcium Channels via AA/LTE4 signaling pathway.  Cell Calcium, 55(1), pp.48-58. doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2013. 11.002.Koziorowska, A., Romerowicz-Misielak, M., Solek, P. and Koziorowski, M. (2018).  Extremely low frequency variable electromagnetic fields affect cancerous and non-cancerous cells in vitro differently:  Preliminary study.  Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 37(1), pp.35-42.doi:10.1080/15368378.2021.1995872.Pirozzoli, M.C., Marino, C., Lovisolo, G.A., Laconia, C., Mosiello, L. and Negroni, A. (2003).  Effectsof 50 Hz electromagnetic field exposure on apoptosis and differentiation in a neuroblastoma cell line.  Bioelectromagnetics, 24(7), pp.510-516. doi:10.1002/vem.10130.Wang, M.-H.,Chen, K.-W., Ni, D.-Z, Fang, H.-J., Jang, L,-S...

Lab Experiment


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Melanoma, Osteosarcoma, Glioblastoma

Melanoma (B16F10) Cancer Cell Tests:
The Journal of Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine:  -"The B16F10 (melanoma) cells exposed to the square wave with 7.83 +/- 0.3 Hz for 48hrs. after plating showed significantly decreased proliferation at 25% (n‹3, P‹0.5) upon MTT assay which confirmed that the ELF-EMF effectively inhibited cell growth.  
Breast Cancer Cell Lines:
MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma and MDA-MB-231, invasive cell lines both showed significant reduction in cell viability within 48hrs.
Bone Cancer Cell Lines:
Human bone osteosarcoma cells (143b) exposed to ELF-EMF resulted in a significant (p‹0.001) decrease in the viability of the cells.  
Human Glioblastoma cells (U-87 MG) also resulted in a significant reduction in viability of cells (P‹0.001).



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Pipetting Samples

How effective is our treatment:
When we do statistical work, like in science experiments or surveys, we use numbers to help us understand if something is true or not. A p-value is one of those numbers, and it helps us figure out if the results we get are just by chance or if they are actually meaningful.  While our human trials are still underway, these laboratory results help us infer how affective our treatment is.
Imagine you and your friend are playing a game where you flip a coin and guess if it will land on heads or tails. You flip the coin 10 times and your friend guesses heads every time. You might think your friend is really good at guessing, but you also wonder if it's just luck.
To find out, you can calculate a p-value. The p-value tells you the probability (or chance) of getting the results you got if your friend's guesses were just random luck. If the p-value is really small, like less than 0.05, it means the chances of getting those results by luck alone are very low. So, you can say that your friend is probably not just lucky and might actually be good at guessing heads.
P-values are important because they help us decide if something is likely to be true or not based on the data we collected. They give us a way to measure the strength of our evidence and help us make better conclusions. However, it's also important to remember that p-values are just one piece of the puzzle, and we need to consider other factors too when interpreting statistical work.
So, in summary, p-values are numbers that tell us if the results we get are likely to be true or if they are just by chance. They help us make sense of our data and draw meaningful conclusions.

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How Smart Radiation Cancer Treatment Works
Calcium ions or Ca2+ are important for many functions in our cells. They help cells move, divide, and communicate with each other. Healthy cells carefully control the amount of Ca2+ inside them. They have tools to pump extra Ca2+ out and let the right amount in. Many cancer cells lose this control. They often have too many doorways that let Ca2+ in, and not enough tools to pump it out. 
When there is too much Ca2+ in a cell, it can cause the cell to self-destruct, or undergo apoptosis. Our Smart Radiation treatment uses cyclotronic resonance to target the Ca2+ in cancer cells. This resonance makes more Ca2+ go into the cancer cells, but not healthy cells. The cancer cells can’t handle the extra Ca2+ and die. Healthy cells stay balanced and unharmed.
Within an hour of Smart Radiation, cancer cells have 82% more Ca2+ than healthy cells. This imbalance causes the cancer cells to commit suicide. We carefully control the radiation to avoid overwhelming the body with waste from dying cancer cells or exhausting the immune system.
Many patients start to feel better right away with Smart Radiation. Unlike chemotherapy, surgery or normal radiation, Smart Radiation typically does not cause nausea, discomfort, hair loss or fatigue. For most, energy, comfort, thinking and sleep improve. Smart Radiation works especially well for aggressive cancers, as they are often most sensitive to Ca2+ overload.
In summary, Smart Radiation targets the Ca2+ in cancer cells, causing them to die, with minimal effects on healthy cells. This innovative treatment offers hope for improved quality of life during cancer therapy.

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Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 2000, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch CanHalt Systems, LLC. We strive to make a positive change in all of our pursuits.

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